Found 1 blog entry tagged as Selling A Home in Edmonton.

Selling A Home in Edmonton

If you are considering selling a home in Edmonton, you can start by putting up the ‘Open House’ sign near your house. When people view your sign, they will understand that you want to sell your home. However, just placing a sign isn’t sufficient to get you to sell your house. We have listed down a few tips that can help you host the best open house in Edmonton.

Organize at an Odd Hour

It has been seen that open houses are generally organized on Saturdays or Sundays, that too from 1pm-3pm or from 2pm-4pm in order to attract a lot of buyers. However, you can host your open house at an odd hour, say on a weekday between 3pm-5pm. This way you will have less open house competition at that time and you can draw buyers to your house.

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