Found 95 blog entries tagged as edmonton.

 January 2023 Edmonton Monthly Housing Stats

Total residential unit sales in the Greater Edmonton Area (GEA) real estate market for January 2023 decreased 25.8% compared to January 2022 and saw a small decrease of only 0.2% from December 2022. New residential listings were up 8.5% year-over-year from January 2022, while also noting an increase of 94.8% from December 2022. Overall inventory in the GEA was up 13.2% from January of last year, and up 5.3% from the previous month.

For January, detached unit sales were down 32.1% from January 2022, but saw a small increase of 1.4% from December 2022 at 583. Semi-detached unit sales were down 35.9% year-over-year but increased by 2.0% from December 2022. Row/Townhouse unit sales also decreased 5.7% year-over-year and increased 10.4%…

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Moving to a new city is a big deal, and deciding where to pick can be tricky. A Redditor asked Edmontonians that chose the city over Calgary for their reasons why and people didn't hold back.

The Reddit post asked people to share why they preferred Edmonton over Calgary as a person that had visited both cities didn't see much of a difference.

"Calgary downtown is nicer, but otherwise, both cities are very similar," the post said. "I feel more at home in Edmonton because it’s not trying to be Toronto."

People on Reddit were pretty vocal about their decision to move to Alberta's capital, Edmonton, over Calgary, and the debate got heated.

For many people, moving to Edmonton over Calgary was mainly a financial decision as housing in the city…

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11 things to do in and around Edmonton

It’s the last week before Christmas! If you need a break from shopping, grab your loved one/s, and head out to the events around the city all week! Here are the best things to do in and around Edmonton this week.



Get deep into the holiday spirit at this Christmas concert! Described as a “pageant of richly orchestrated carols through the centuries and around the world performed by the orchestra and the Richard Eaton Singers,” you can expect everything from Silent Night and O Come All Ye Faithful to sacred hymns like O Sanctissima and Break Forth, O Beauteous Heav’nly Light.

When: Thursday, December 22nd and Friday, December 23rd
Where: 4 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Cost: $32+


Luminaria is still…

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Lists to make when selling your home

When you put your property up for sale, you want to make sure that potential buyers get all the information they need on the features of your home and its surrounding area. If, for example, a buyer doesn’t realize there is a great school just a couple of blocks away, he might cross your property off his shortlist.

An effective way to make sure something like that doesn’t happen is to create three lists.

#1: The “I’ll Miss It” list.

Chances are, there are things about your home that you’re really going to miss when you move. It may be the spacious living room, ideal for entertaining. Or maybe it’s the nearby park with scenic trails, perfect for walking and biking, or the large deck that has just the right combination of shade and sun to make…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

Rob Roach, ATB Economics | November 25, 2021


Moving ahead: Alberta’s economy in 2022

Released this morning, ATB’s latest provincial economic forecast shows that we have come a long way from the early days of the pandemic when GDP activity was in free fall, unemployment was spiking and rumours of a decade-long economic collapse were circulating. From masks to vaccines, we are now able to keep most parts of the economy open most of the time.

With that said, the pandemic is not over and it remains a drag on growth (especially in poorer countries and in…

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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed by Canadians and other members of the Commonwealth since the end of the First World War in order to remember all those who have fought and died in the line of duty to keep us free.


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